We are pleased to let you know that fees for The Packaging Forum remain the same for the financial year beginnging 1 April 2021, and will be invoiced in early April.
26 February 2021
As in the previous year, Forum membership is a prerequisite to stewarding your packaging through our product stewardship schemes.
Your fee level is determined by the volume of packaging you sell in the New Zealand market, the range of your packaging types and complexity of materials.
Some of the main benefits of membership are:
- Have a voice with government through relationships we hold with elected representatives and ministry officials
- Contribute to relevant submissions to government – we anticipate several this year
- Access events and information, collaborate with other members to develop your sustainability capability
- Improve sustainability outcomes by joining our Glass Packaging Forum or Soft Plastic Recycling Scheme
- Be seen as a sustainability champion
- Have input into current and future initiatives such as our Technical Advisory Groups
Your fees also cover governance, administration and Packaging Forum marketing, communications, and member engagement.
Our work for the coming year
Pledge 2025
Our work programme is based around Pledge 2025, working towards all packaging being reusable, recyclable or compostable by 2025.
Technical advisory groups
Our technical advisory groups continue their work towards overcoming challenges in packaging sustainability.
- Compostable Packaging technical Advisory Group
- Litter and Public Place Recycling Advisory Group
- Fibre Packaging Technical Advisory Group
- Labelling Technical Advisory Group
Plastic packaging regulated product stewardship
Represent members and work with other stakeholders on the design of a regulated product stewardship scheme for single-use plastic packaging, as now required by priority product regulation under the WMA 2008.
Regulated stewardship for container glass
Next steps in developing an EPR model for container glass as an alternative to a CRS. It will aim to deliver better outcomes than a CRS with lower costs for consumers and industry, and less risk.
Government advocacy
Participate in consultations, maintain relationships and have regular meetings with MfE officials and elected government representatives to communicate our members’ on policies pertaining to packaging sustainability. The following will impact the packaging industry.
- Review of the Waste Management Act and Litter Act
- Development of a new national waste strategy
- Draft of a plastic action plan
- Recycling/processing infrastructure stocktake and gap analysis
- Emissions reduction (focus on food waste)
- Report due on fibre recycling
- Next steps of standardisation of kerbside collections recommendations
Our product stewardship schemes
Our Glass Forum members proudly contribute to steward their materials towards a glass recovery target of more than 80%, notwithstanding development of a proposed regulated scheme.
Our Soft Plastic Recycling Scheme continues to grow in membership, allowing the scheme to expand its capacity and geographical reach.